Thursday, October 18, 2007


It is not secret that cat vision at night is excellent. But why? When looking into your cats eyes, you will notice that during the day, the pupils are nothing more that little slits. However at night, those slivers open up to encompass almost 90% of the cats eye. This lets in even the faintest amount of light that is available.Another valuable asset for cat vision at night is a special membrane called the tapetum lucidum which is located behind the eye itself. This reflective membrane bounces any available light back to the retina, which then allows the cat to see even better in dark situations. However, cat vision can only be so good, they can not see in complete darkness.So, cat vision is great at night, but what about color? Do they see color like we do, or black and white like dogs? Actually, cats see in between, studies have shown that they do see some color, but not as well as humans do. What cats do see better is movement. READ MORE AT CATHEALTH.COM


Determining the sex of a kitten may be difficult especially before about 8 weeks of age. The male and the female kitten's genitalia look remarkably similar. If kittens of both sexes are available to compare, it makes the process easier and more likely to be correct. In the male kitten, the scrotum is located below the anus and above the back of the hind legs. The testicles are descended into the scrotum presumably at the time of birth. READ MORE @ PET EDUCATION