Monday, October 22, 2007


AB1634 - California’s Proposed Cat Neutering Law
They’re rioting in Texas! The McAllen, Texas Monitor is adding fuel to the flames by reprinting an article from the Orange County, CA Register - they want nationwide protests. The government is getting into our private business again. What is the big deal? The furor is caused by a proposed California law, AB1634 that requires neutering of animals that come into contact with animal control officers. The owner will be fined (unless they neuter their pet, then). Oh whoa-is-me.
The proponents cite the hundreds of thousands of euthanized animals each year and the cost to catch and house them until they are put down. The detractors say, "It is not the government’s business". The proponents say that an un-neutered female cat can have 100’s of kittens in her lifetime. Actually the number varies depending on your source from 100 to 70,000 (including the offspring of the first cat’s kittens and grandkittens). The opponents say, "It is not the government’s business". No one even mentions the number of kittens that can be fathered by an un-neutered male cat. READ MORE;