Friday, October 26, 2007


In cats, it is important to rule out stuff that they might have eaten, because cats salivate really excessively as the result of ingesting several medications and flea sprays. We have also seen salivation after ingesting small lizards (we have skinks here) and toads. Most cats will leave toads alone so we see this more often in dogs. . If the problem has cleared up and not returned, I would lean towards the possibility of an ingested source of irritation, even if there isn't anything that you can find that might have caused the problem.
Dental disorders can cause excessive salivation in cats.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


In two epidemiological studies of evacuations from disaster, risk factors for household evacuation failure, pet evacuation failure, and pet rescue attempts were characterized. Risk factors were identified using multivariate logistic regression. Case households were defined as those which either failed to evacuate as a unit, evacuated but without their pets (dogs or cats), or evacuated without their pets and later attempted to rescue their pet. Control households were those that either evacuated as a unit, evacuated with their pet, or evacuated and did not attempt to rescue their pet.


Plan your family's (including your pets') safe evacuation in advance.Remember their usual hiding and sleeping places. During a fire, they'll be terrified, and are likely to hide in their favorite retreats.Always have a carrier readily available for cats and small animals and leashes for dogs.**Purchase Evacsack for a space saving and economical emergency transport.In a pinch use a pillow case as a carrier.If there is time before safely exiting with your pet(s), call 911.In a multipet household in which individual collection may be unrealistic, herd the pets outside through doors or windows, if this is safe and feasible.
Read Full Report and Tips Here:


As winter approaches, many people will "winterize" their automobiles, including a change of antifreeze. Dogs and cats find antifreeze quite tasty and will drink it when given the opportunity. Antifreeze can be deadly even in small doses, around five tablespoons can kill a medium sized dog. A cat can ingest enough to prove fatal by just walking through a puddle of antifreeze and then licking its paws. Not just dogs and cats are at risk, all animals are susceptible. When ingested animals suffer from drunkenness, weakness, depression, staggering, possible seizures, renal failure (kidney) and even death. They may drink lots of water, urinate large amounts and vomit. Antifreeze should be kept away from your pets and all spills should be cleaned up right away. If your pet comes in contact with Antifreeze take him/her to your local veterinarian immediately. Treatment for antifreeze poisoning needs to be started as soon after ingestion as possible to be effective. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of survival. Once kidney failure develops, most animals will die. Read Full Report and Other Winter Hazards Here:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The Domestic Cat and the Law: A Guide to Available Resources

The Legal Status of the Domestic Cat
The status of the domestic cat in common law is very clear: cats are property. However, the common law standing of the cat has changed over the years from being one of property with no intrinsic value, to being valued chattel. William Blackstone, in applying theories of property argued by Hobbes and Locke, provides one of the first common law definitions of the legal status of the domestic cat in his famous “Rights of Things” in 2 Commentaries On The Laws of England (U. Chicago Press 1979) (1769). He distinguishes between animals raised for food and those “kept for pleasure, curiosity or whim [such as cats]…because their value is not intrinsic, but depending on the caprice of owners…” Further, he argues that with regard to animals classed as “domitae” (tame by nature), “[A] man may have as absolute a property as in any inanimate beings.” [2 Com. § 393] Although the cat may have benefited from Blackstone’s assessment that it was a thing of property, it no doubt suffered from his failure to attribute any value to the animal. Read More;


Answer the following fun questions and then add up the numbers to work out your cat's purrsonality type. Pure-breds often have distinctive purrsonalities while mixed breeds have a mixture of traits.

1. When it wants attention, does your cat misbehave or do destructive things?
Always 5 points
Often 4 points
Sometimes 3 points
Hardly ever 2 points
Never 1 point

2. How often does your cat come running if it hears or smells food being prepared (cat food or people food)?
Always 5 points
Often 4 points
Sometimes 3 points
Hardly ever 2 points
Never 1 point

3. Is your cat a fussy eater which only likes gourmet food or is it a dustbin-guts which eats anything on offer (and anything else it can find)?
Not fussy at all 1 point
Sometimes fussy 3 points
Always fussy 5 points

4. Does your cat drag its food from its bowl and play with it or is it a tidy eater?
Very tidy eater 1 point
Usually tidy eater 3 points
Sloppy eater, food goes everywhere 5 points

5. When your cat sees birds or other prey through the window, how often does it get frustrated at not being able to reach them through the glass?
Always 5 points
Often 4 points
Sometimes 3 points
Hardly ever 2 points
Not bothered 1 point

6. Outdoor cats: Is your cat a patient and proficient hunter?Indoor cats: How well does your cat 'hunt' its cat-tease toys?
Very proficient, always catches what it stalks/plays with 5 points
Fairly good, often catches what it stalks/plays with 3 points
What are mice? You mean you want me to chase that toy? 1 point

7. How much does your cat use its tail to communicate its feelings?(For tail-less cats score 2 points and go to next question)
Has an entire tail-language 5 points
Wags tail when happy 3 points
Holds tail up when greeted 2 points
Lashes tail when angry 1 point

8. Is your cat talkative with a wide vocabulary or is it the silent type?
Always talking, complete sentences even, good conversational skills 5 points
Meows and chirrups 3 points
Sometimes meows 1 point

9. Is your cat agile or does it fall off the windowsill/shelf (etc) or into the bath/pond when playing or exploring?
Frequently falls off things or trips over its own feet 5 points
Sometimes falls off things if it is in a hurry 4 points
Very agile and never falls off things/never get on things in the first place 1 point

Now add up your cat's scores and see what purrsonality type your cat is. Remember, this is a fun quiz!
Purrsonality Type
Over 37 points =Frantic Feline
Life is never dull when you have a Frantic Feline. They are intelligent, talkative, hyperactive and easily distracted. They need plenty of stimulation from their owners or other hyperactive cats - but your house might not survive their antics! Typical Frantic Felines are Siamese/Orientals and Devon Rexes.
30 - 36 points=Clever Cat
Clever Cats are lively in body and mind. They need plenty to occupy their minds and they like to think through a problem before taking action. They are often good hunters and retrievers and enjoy playing with their owners. Typical Clever Cats are American Bobtails, Bengals and Burmese/Asians.
24 - 29 points=Magnificent Mog
Active but not highly strung, Magnificent Mogs are well-balanced and easy-going. They display a mixture of purrsonality traits from other categories and make good family cats. Typical Magnificent Mogs are British/America Shorthairs, rugged Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats and most random-bred kitties.
17 - 23 points=Cordial Kitty
Cordial Kitties are cats with New Age philosophies. They are gentle, harmonious souls who waft elegantly around the house. They are easily offended. They would much rather sniff the flowers than wreck floral arrangements. Probably a Buddhist monk in a previous life. Typical Cordial Kitties are Birmans, Balinese and Angoras.
Less than 16 points=Placid Pussycat
True couch potatoes of the cat family, Placid Pussies enjoy snoozing in sunbeams and snuggling up to heaters. They prefer gentle petting to active play and are happy to watch life go by. Elderly cats often fall into this category after retiring from another purrsonality type. Other Placid Pussycats are Persians/Himalayans and their relatives, Exotic Shorthairs.

This is a fun test, it is not intended as a reliable indicator of breed personalities. Not all cats of a specific breed will fall into the suggested category!

Monday, October 22, 2007


The Subtle Signs of Sickness in Cats
1. Inappropriate Elimination Behaviour
or Litter Box Use
Inappropriate and annoying elimination behaviors
by your cat can often indicate an underlying medical
condition and do not mean your cat is trying “to get
back” at you. These behaviors can include urinating or
defecating outside the litter box or other problems. A
cat with these behaviors may have any number of conditions,
including lower urinary tract disease, kidney
disease, urinary tract infection and diabetes mellitus.
2. Changes in Interaction
Cats are social animals and enjoy interactions with
their human family and often with other pets. Changes
in those interactions may signal problems such as disease,
fear and anxiety. It may also signal pain, which
can cause aggression.
3. Changes in Activity
A decrease or increase in activity can be a sign of a
number of conditions. Discomfort from joint disease
or systemic illnesses can also lead to a decrease in
activity. Increased activity is often seen with hyperthyroidism.
It’s important to understand cats don’t usually
slow down just because they are old.
4. Changes in Sleeping Habits
The average adult cat may spend 16 to 18 hours per
day sleeping. The key to differentiating abnormal
lethargy from normal napping is knowing your cat’s
sleeping patterns and noting any changes.



Obesity in cats is as rampant as obesity in people in the United States. It is your job as a responsible pet owner to help fluffy trim those extra pounds. And it will be hard on both of you.
How did this happen? Obesity in cats has the same root causes as obesity in people: too much to eat, especially carbohydrates, too little exercise, and too many snacks. Many cats are fed "free choice", which means there is food available all the time and the cat eats whenever it wants.
Free choice feeding has probably been the biggest single factor contributing to feline obesity. Although kitty kibble is fast and convenient, it is loaded with carbohydrates in the form of flour and sugar that hold the other ingredients together. Read more:


AB1634 - California’s Proposed Cat Neutering Law
They’re rioting in Texas! The McAllen, Texas Monitor is adding fuel to the flames by reprinting an article from the Orange County, CA Register - they want nationwide protests. The government is getting into our private business again. What is the big deal? The furor is caused by a proposed California law, AB1634 that requires neutering of animals that come into contact with animal control officers. The owner will be fined (unless they neuter their pet, then). Oh whoa-is-me.
The proponents cite the hundreds of thousands of euthanized animals each year and the cost to catch and house them until they are put down. The detractors say, "It is not the government’s business". The proponents say that an un-neutered female cat can have 100’s of kittens in her lifetime. Actually the number varies depending on your source from 100 to 70,000 (including the offspring of the first cat’s kittens and grandkittens). The opponents say, "It is not the government’s business". No one even mentions the number of kittens that can be fathered by an un-neutered male cat. READ MORE;

Saturday, October 20, 2007


For many cats, the slightest change in what they're used to can create stress. So if you're thinking about changing their brand or type of litter, plan ahead and decide the best way to do it based on your particular cat.
Method #1. Gradual Transition. When a cat enters the litter box, she expects to encounter the same scent (or lack of) and texture on her paws every time. If she steps in and is confronted with a foreign scent or texture, it could potentially create enough confusion for her to feel as if another location would be a better option for elimination. Unfortunately, her location choice might not be to your liking.
If you have to change brands or types of litter, add just a little of the new kind into the current litter at a time. Each day, increase the amount of the new litter so that the transition lasts about four or five days. To maintain an appropriate litter level, just start removing some of the current litter in the box.
If you're switching from a traditional clay litter to a clumping formula, keep in mind that the new litter won't perform as expected during the transition. READ MORE;


During its lifetime, a cat has two sets of teeth, a deciduous set and a permanent set. Kittens have 26 deciduous teeth (molars are absent); adult cats have a total of 30 teeth.Deciduous or “milk teeth” begin to appear when the kitten is about four weeks of age. At six weeks of age all 26 deciduous teeth are present. From 11 to 30 weeks of age, kittens lose their deciduous teeth. During this time they may eat less because of sore gums.When the deciduous teeth fall out, they are replaced by 30 permanent teeth. The permanent teeth should be in place by about six months of age.A cat's teeth are well-suited to rip and cut. Twelve tiny teeth in the front of the mouth (incisors): six in the upper jaw, six in the lower jaw do some scraping. They are flanked by two upper and two lower canines, sometimes described as “fangs,” designed to hold prey and to tear flesh. Ten sharp premolars and four molars act together to cut food. READ MORE:

Friday, October 19, 2007


The cat's outer ear (pinna) is connected by 27 muscles and can rotate 180 degrees to scan the environment or to direct its attention to a particular source of sound. Cats can detect higher frequencies than dogs (e.g., a mouse's ultrasonic squeak). They can discriminate with 75% accuracy between two sound sources separated by an angle of only 5 degrees. The direction of the source of sound can also be calculated by the cat sensing differences in the time of arrival and intensity of sound received by the two ears. Rodents don't have more than a sliver of hope of escape when this little tiger is on the prowl! READ MORE CAT FACTS:


The Scoop on Litter
Before the advent of kitty litter, cat boxes were filled with newspapers. Entrepreneur George Plitt came up with the idea of packaging ashes from burned wood for cats to use. The cat litter industry had its birth one day in 1947 when one of Edward Lowe's neighbors who was tired of dealing with sooty paw prints, asked for some sand. Edward's father owned an industrial absorbents company in Cassopolis, Michigan so instead of sand, Lowe suggested using absorbent clay. The neighbor loved the product and soon returned for more. READ MORE;

Thursday, October 18, 2007


It is not secret that cat vision at night is excellent. But why? When looking into your cats eyes, you will notice that during the day, the pupils are nothing more that little slits. However at night, those slivers open up to encompass almost 90% of the cats eye. This lets in even the faintest amount of light that is available.Another valuable asset for cat vision at night is a special membrane called the tapetum lucidum which is located behind the eye itself. This reflective membrane bounces any available light back to the retina, which then allows the cat to see even better in dark situations. However, cat vision can only be so good, they can not see in complete darkness.So, cat vision is great at night, but what about color? Do they see color like we do, or black and white like dogs? Actually, cats see in between, studies have shown that they do see some color, but not as well as humans do. What cats do see better is movement. READ MORE AT CATHEALTH.COM


Determining the sex of a kitten may be difficult especially before about 8 weeks of age. The male and the female kitten's genitalia look remarkably similar. If kittens of both sexes are available to compare, it makes the process easier and more likely to be correct. In the male kitten, the scrotum is located below the anus and above the back of the hind legs. The testicles are descended into the scrotum presumably at the time of birth. READ MORE @ PET EDUCATION

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


How is FeLV spread? Cats persistently infected with FeLV serve as sources of infection. Virus is shed in very high quantities in saliva and nasal secretions, but also in urine, feces, and milk from infected cats. Cat-to-cat transfer of virus may occur from a bite wound, during mutual grooming, and (though rarely) through the shared use of litter boxes and feeding dishes. Transmission can also take place from an infected mother cat to her kittens, either before they are born or while they are nursing. FeLV doesn't survive long outside a cat's body—probably less than a few hours under normal household conditions. READ MORE;

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Cat allergy is by far the commonest allergy to pet animals and up to 40% of asthmatics are sensitive to cats. The cat allergen is much more likely to cause sensitisation than that of the dog.
The Cat Allergen
A tiny protein particle, the "Fel d 1" allergen is found mainly in the cat skin flakes and saliva. The protein is produced in the cat salivary glands and sebaceous glands of the skin. Cats are fastidious groomers, so they deposit the Fel d 1 protein on their fur by licking themselves.
An allergen is a material, which is capable of provoking an allergic reaction, such as pollen grain, dust mite or animal dander. Cat allergen — the allergy causing material from cats - is not cat hair but a protein present in the dander and saliva of cats. The allergens become airborne as microscopic particles, which when inhaled into the nose or lungs, can produce allergic symptoms.
Although individual cats may produce more or less allergen, there is no relationship between the pet’s hair length and allergen production, and no such thing as a non-allergic breed.
Male cats are more allergic than female cats, because testerone increases Fel d 1 production by the sebaceous glands.
Where is Cat Allergen found?
Cat allergen is present in largest amounts in homes with cats, but has also been found in homes where cats have never been present and in offices or public spaces where animals are not allowed. Cat allergen is particularly sticky and is carried on clothing from places with cats to other locations. It is almost impossible to not be exposed to some level of cat allergen. Of course, levels of exposure will be much higher where cats are present, and these levels are more likely to cause allergic symptoms.
Because cat allergen particles are particularly small (1/10 the size of dust mite allergen), they remain airborne for prolonged periods of time. Cat allergic individuals are more likely to have a rapid onset of symptoms when entering a room with cats, because there is always allergen, which is airborne and can be easily inhaled. Opening windows, using exhaust fans and using high efficiency air cleaners, can decrease the amount of airborne allergen.
Soft furnishings, such as carpets, sofas and mattresses, will hold cat allergen even after a cat has been removed from the home or banished from the bedroom. It has been shown that it can take as long as 20 weeks for levels of allergen in carpets to decrease to levels found in a home without a cat, and up to 5 years for cat allergen levels in mattresses to decrease to such levels. Removal or treatment of the carpet or sofa, and encasing of the mattress, will reduce the continued exposure to these reservoirs of allergen.
Cat allergen is also found on vertical surfaces such as walls. Attempts to decrease cat allergen exposure in a home should include wall cleaning. If the cat is removed to a restricted area of the home, it is important to realise that airflow through the duct system in a hot air heated home could spread the allergen. Efficient vent and furnace filters could help trap the allergens and reduce the spread. READ MORE:

Monday, October 15, 2007


If you are going to get a cat or kitten here is a list every cat household needs:
Litter box and litter. The litter box, or pan, should be shallow enough for the cat to jump into easily, but the sides should be high enough to contain scattered litter as the cat scratches in it. Commercially sold plastic litter boxes are excellent. Some have high-domed lids on them to keep flung litter from spreading throughout the house.
You probably won't have to worry about training your cat to use the litter box, but you will need to show your cat where to find it. Cats are fastidious and have a keen sense of smell. It is important to clean the pan daily.
Never place a litter box close to where the cat is fed, because cats believe these two duties are quite separate, and they will choose to do one or the other elsewhere. Many people put the litter box in the bathroom, away from high-traffic areas.
Cat dishes. Each cat should have his or her own food and water dishes. These must be shallow; cats like to keep their faces and whiskers clean while they eat.
Grooming tools. Although cats groom themselves, they generally love to be brushed and combed. Long-haired cats must be brushed daily to prevent their hair from matting. Even short-haired cats enjoy the attention and the stimulation of being personally attended to. Use a daily brushing ritual to keep an eye on your cat's overall health and on skin and coat conditions. Some rubber brushes have special teeth that dig down and remove loose dander and dead skin cells. Metal, fine-toothed combs are designed to extract fleas from the coat.
Nail clippers. You also can use human-nail clippers. Read our tips for trimming your cat's claws (see link below) and, if you have trouble convincing your companion to cooperate, ask your veterinarian or groomer for additional advice or a demonstration.
A scratching post. Cats can be easily trained to scratch on a scratching post instead of the sofa arm or mahogany table leg. The scratching post should be untippable and covered in sisal rope or the webbed reverse side of carpet (a fireplace log is also a good alternative). Do not cover the post with the same kind of fabric that you are trying to protect in your home—upholstery or carpeting. That will only confuse your cat.
An inviting bed. Cats will sleep where they want to, which is usually with you. If you do not want your cat in bed with you at night, you must provide a more appealing option, such as a soft pillow or an inviting old comforter. Anything soft and warm, especially if it has your scent on it, can attract your cat. But let your cat discover it; a cat who is forced to lie down on a restricted spot will summarily reject that spot. And consider rethinking your policy against animals in bed. A purring companion at your feet is a better sleeping aid than anything you can find in a drugstore.
Toys. Many common household items make great cat toys. Ping-Pong balls are fun to chase. Or you can make a "mouse house" by cutting a hole in the bottom and the side of a paper bag; flick a wad of paper inside the bag and watch your cat ingeniously fish it out.
Avoid string, ribbon, or rolls of yarn. Cats' barbed tongues make it difficult for them to spit anything out once they begin to swallow it. Besides the potential for choking, string can cause serious problems if ingested.
When buying commercial cat toys, pick one that you could give to an infant. There should be no parts that can come off and be swallowed. Keep small children's toys away from cats. Contrary to the myth that cats only eat what's good for them, toy soldiers have found their way into cats' digestive tracts.



Unplug dangling cords. Some cats like to chew on cords. Until you know for a fact that your cat isn't one of them, it's best not to risk electric shock. Also, be alert to potential fire hazards—lamps can tip over while you are out of the room, causing the shade to ignite and start a fire.
Beware poisonous plants. Many common houseplants, like Easter lilies and philodendrons, are toxic to cats and can kill them if consumed. Follow the link at the bottom of this page for a more complete listing of toxic plants.
Remove tablecloths from unattended tables. New kittens will be especially curious about what's up there on the table and will try to use the tablecloth to climb up. The result could be broken china and crystal and an emergency trip to the vet.
Cover garbage disposal switches. Natural climbers, cats usually find their way to the kitchen sink sooner or later. Many have been known to play with electric switches such as the one for a garbage disposal. Special covers are available at hardware stores to help avoid disaster.
Keep drapery cords out of reach. It's a good idea to use childproofing devices to wind up dangling cords—cats can strangle themselves by catching their necks in the loops.
Close the dryer door. Cats love to explore, especially dark, quiet places. Always check inside large appliances before closing their doors to make sure your cat is not inside.
Make sure your screen door has a securing latch. Cats are safe indoors; they are not safe outdoors. Don't run the risk that your cat could slip out unnoticed.
Pack away precious breakables. Cats in a new home will explore. They will jump on tables, cabinets, sideboards, and bookshelves to investigate their strange domain, and they may accidentally knock over or break fragile items and knickknacks.
Cover your furniture. If you don't want cat hair on your upholstery, put an old sheet on your most enticing sofas and chairs. That way your cat can enjoy the furniture along with you without shedding fur all over it. Simply remove the sheet when guests arrive.

Keep Your Black Cat Safe At Halloween

It's that time of year, Halloween. It is good to know that some animal shelters do not adopt out animals between October 25-31. Also, if you own an all-black, all-white, or mixed black and white dogs and cats: keep a close eye on your pets, as there is a disturbingly high incidence of animals of these colors disappearing around Halloween. Please do NOT give pets of these colors away at this time of year! Believe it or not, there are some people out there who will "sacrifice" black, white, or black and white animals in their Hallows Eve "ceremonies!" Take extra precautions if you own a black cat by confining it in your house several days before Halloween. This will reduce the chances of someone abducting your black cat. The myth about black cats and witches can lead people to do strange things to them. Even kids whom mean no harm may yell at or chase a black cat, scaring the cat much more than the cat scares them.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Cat's Age Human's Age

6 months 10 years
8 months 13 years
1 year 15 years
2 years 24 years
4 years 40 years
8 years 48 years
12 years 64 years
14 years 72 years
16 years 80 years
18 years 88 years
20 years 96 years
21 years 100 years

It was once thought that 1 year in the life of a cat was equivalent to 7 years of a human life. Recently, a new scale has been accepted: after the first 2 years, the cat's life proceeds more slowly in relation to human life and each feline year is approximately 4 human years. The general consensus is that at about age 7 a cat can be considered "middle-aged," and age 10 and beyond "old."


Cats spray either to mark territory or to express
unhappiness about changes going on around them. Cats mark their territory in several
different ways: by scratching, rubbing against an object, or spraying.
Urine marking (spraying) is different from a housetraining problem. The cat backs up to an
object, points its tail straight up in the air, and sprays a nasty, smelly shot of urine. Both
males and females spray, though most often a male cat is the offender. There are several
approaches to solving this problem, and you may have to try them all.
If your cats are not spayed or neutered, get it done immediately. Sexual excitement often
triggers marking behavior. A passing cat outside is enough to start it. Altering by six months
of age prevents the habit from developing. An unneutered male or a female in heat can be
especially obnoxious howling, trying to get outdoors, and spraying the door because of
frustration. Spayed or neutered cats can still spray, although they typically do not.
Changes of any kind in your cat's environment can also trigger a bout of spraying, as he
expresses his frustration, confusion, and stress. Some situations that can cause a cat to
begin spraying:
 Moving to a new home
 Getting a new cat or dog
 A new baby or family member
 New furniture or rearranging
 Moving the litter box
 Dirty litter box
 Changing brands of litter
As you see, cats are very sensitive and don't have a lot of ways to tell you about their



Saturday, October 13, 2007


The tail of a cat is used for balance, and for communication. Their tails help them when they jump or walk on a narrow space, and are also used for communicating fear, anger, and aggression.
A cats tail is one of the best ways of telling thier mood. A still, raised tail
means a friendly greeting. A sudden whip of the tail shows a threat of
impending attack. A highly excited cat waves its tail from side to side in
jerky, rapid motions. The top of a tail moving means slight dissatisfaction or
impatience. A relaxed cat allows the tail to hang straight down. A tail held straight out behind them indicates caution.


The time of year when cats give birth, flooding animal shelters across the nation with homeless litters. Kitten "season" is really three seasons in one, starting in spring, peaking in late spring or early summer, and ending in fall. PLEASE SPAY YOUR CAT!!